Episode # 25

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n this episode we talk about Tony Robbins book Money, Master the game. This book is a must for everyone, especially for direction into setting up a retirement plan. Don’t make the process complicated. Tony makes the process easy to follow and gives a plethora of information about the stock market, bonds, Index funds, EFT’s Real Estate, annuities, and other great tips on how to set up a retirement plan. Very easy. There are bio’s about financial guru’s from wall street and information about foreign and domestic financial institutions. This book covers the gamut. The book sets up a retirement plan for a win -win scenario. Upside on the profits and zero loss on the downside. The more wins you get, the more confidant you become. That’s when you begin to have fun. So get the book and plan your retirement today. Please leave a rating for the show. It helps other listeners find the show faster. Let us hear your comments. We love hearing from our listeners. [email protected]. And remember, this is your journey. Be the best you can be. Do it, Just doooooooo it.